Three Recipes with Zero Waste

Rebecca Wilson, passionate about recycling across South Yorkshire
Rebecca Wilson
13 Jul 2020

Whether you prepare your meals at the weekend or cook as you go, try these three recipes which will leave you with no waste. These recipes are all about using up what is in the fridge or buying as little as possible. Saving you pennies and time.



70% of the food wasted in the UK comes from residents homes

Hidden veg mac N cheese

What you will need;

180g Cheddar cheese

40g Butter

600ml Milk

25g flour (to thicken)

300g penne pasta

3 types of veg (we use 1 leek, frozen peas and broccoli)

1 slice of bread, for breadcrumbs

  1. Preheat your oven to 180
  2. In a pan cook your pasta
  3. In a separate pan add the butter and finely chopped leeks and shredded broccoli and soften for two minutes. Then add the flour, stirring well cook for a further two minutes.
  4. Bring the leeks off the heat and whisk in the milk slowly, you can then return this to the heat and bring to the boil, allow to simmer and add the peas, then cook for a further 5 minutes.
  5. Take the pan off the heat and add the cheese gradually, stirring well. Leave a little cheese to one side for the top.
  6. Once it has combined, add in the pasta and stir well. Transfer to an oven dish, sprinkle with the remaining cheese and the breadcrumbs. Pop it in the oven to bake until golden and bubbling.


Sausage, leek & mash pie

What you will need;

4 large potatoes

6 sausages

150ml chicken or veg stock

3 leeks

1 brown onion

1tbsp wholegrain mustard, 1tbsp plain flour, 3tbsp milk

50g cheese

  1. Leave the skin on the potatoes and chop into equal pieces. Boil them in a pan until soft, drain and leave to dry.
  2. Remove the skin from the sausages, we tend to use pork but this recipe works well with chicken too. Cutting the sausage meat into large chunks, fry in a casserole dish with the finely chopped leeks and onion a little oil until browned.
  3. Add the flour and stir well, slowly add the stock, add a little more flour if you prefer the sauce to be thicker. Bring to a simmer and cook for 5 minutes, then remove this from the heat.
  4. Mash the potatoes which will have now dried, adding in the milk and mustard. Add the mash to the top of the casserole dish and sprinkle with grated cheese, put in the oven at 180 until golden and bubbling.


Vegetarian fajitas

This is the best (and yummiest) way to use up all the veg in your cupboards.

What you will need;

1 red pepper, 1 yellow pepper

1 red onion


1 Avocado


Soured cream

Crushed garlic

1 tsp chilli powder, 1 tsp paprika, 1 tsk ground cumin

1 lime

  1. Cut your veg into strips (onion, peppers, mushrooms) remember you can add any veg you need to use up.
  2. Heat a little oil in the pan and add your veg strips in with the crushed garlic and cook for 1 minute, then add the rest of the spices in coating all the strips. Cook for a few minutes and then add the juice of half a lime.
  3. Warm the tortillas and slice the avocado using the other half of the lime juice to coat the avo slices.
  4. Serve the tortillas with the fajita mix, slices of avocado, a dollop of soured cream, and enjoy!

What do you think of our easy dinner recipes? Will you be trying any? We would love to see photos of your recreations! Make sure you tag us or #SYrecycles

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