5 ways to use leftover apples

Rebecca Wilson, passionate about recycling across South Yorkshire
Rebecca Wilson
12 Jan 2021

Apples are one of the most popular fruits in British homes. We collectively consume around 122,000 tonnes of apples a year. That’s enough to fill 325 Olympic sized swimming pools! Despite our love of apples, many still go to waste each year. So here are 5 ways you can use up your leftover apples at home:

Red apples


Everyone loves a lovely warming crumble and apple is the perfect filling. Cut up your apples, sprinkle with some sugar, flour and cinnamon and place in a baking dish. Top with crumble mixture and bake in the oven for about 40-45 minutes.

You can freeze the crumble for another day too! Allow it to cool to room temperature before wrapping it and putting it in your freezer. 



You may not think it works, but adding bits of apple adds a nice sweetness and crunch to a salad.  One of my favourite salad recipes is this apple, date and blue cheese salad from Tesco: https://realfood.tesco.com/recipes/apple-date-and-blue-cheese-salad.html


Or, if you have more of a sweet tooth, fruit salad is a great way of using your apples.

Just chop up any fruit you have, squeeze on some lemon or lime juice and serve.



Chop up your apples, remove any pips and blend with other fruits to create a refreshing and healthy drink.

See some of our favourite smoothie recipes here!


Apple sauce

This is a great accompaniment to meat such as pork and can be made with just three ingredients. 


Peel, core and slice three apples and place them in a saucepan with 50 grams of caster sugar and 50 grams of butter. Put the heat on low and cover. Stir the mixture occasionally for about 15 minutes. Keep stirring to get rid of any lumps and its ready to serve with your roast.


Apple crisps

A delicious and healthy snack that is easy to make.


Thinly slice the apple through the core and place the slices on a lined baking tray and bake them for 40 minutes at 140C/ 120C fan/ Gas mark 1.


Once cool, they are crisp and ready to eat. 



Got any other ways to use up leftover apples? Let us know on our social media pages!

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