Why I Love my Reusable Water Bottle

Rebecca Wilson, passionate about recycling across South Yorkshire
Rebecca Wilson
1 Jun 2024

Did you know that 13 billion disposable plastic bottles are used every year?


Many of these are not recycled afterwards. Having a reusable is a great way to help stop this increasing.


Imagine if just 10% of the UK population refilled their water bottles once a week. The result? A staggering 340 million plastic bottles saved annually.


Here are the top reasons why I love mine:

Reusable water bottle being used on a walk in the woods


There may be an initial cost to buying your reusable bottle but this will pay off as a reusable bottle can last a long time. An average stainless steel one can last up to 10 years when cared for properly.

Carrying a reusable bottle is a lot cheaper than buying a bottle of water every time you need it. Many shops, cafe's and businesses will refill them for free.



This will depend on what type of bottle you have but many do have insulating properties that allow them to stay cool (or hot) for a long time. This is great on those hot summer days when you are out and about.



You can get bottles in all shapes, materials, designs and colours! No matter what type of bottle you like- there will be always a reusable bottle that will suit your style and budget.

Here are some of my favourites:




Although many Councils will recycle plastic bottles at the kerbside, it is still better for our planet to use a reusable bottle as it means less energy being used for processing recycled materials and less waste.

It is estimated that by 2050, there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish- this will affect not only us humans but also our wildlife. When plastic bottles breakdown into micro plastics they can be ingested and accumulate in all food chains on the planet.




  • Make sure you regularly clean your bottles. Many can't go in dishwashers due to the materials they are made out of. Be sure to check with the manufacturer/ instructions for the best way to keep your bottle clean.
  • Some reusable bottles cannot go in the fridge as it may damage the vacuum seal. Check with the manufacturer to see if yours will be effected by this
  • Fizzy drinks can cause the lid to pop when released - so please take care when opening



Reusing what we already have is key to preventing waste and reducing our impact on the planet.

Check out our choose to reuse page here for our top tips on how you can start today

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